Acupuncture For Sinusitis–The Ultimate Guide

  • Ryoko Takayama
  • February 19, 2024
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  • Acupuncture For Sinusitis–The Ultimate Guide

Acupuncture For Sinusitis? When you’re grappling with the relentless throb of sinus pain, it can feel like there’s no end in sight—a sensation all too familiar to anyone who’s wrestled with this discomfort. At Family Wellness Acupuncture we can help you through it. 

Picture yourself taking deep, serene breaths once again. Let’s navigate together toward serenity-filled skies!

Key Takeaways

  • Acupuncture can ease sinusitis symptoms by inserting thin needles into specific body points.
  • Treatments like cupping, moxibustion, and herbal medicine can help acupuncture work better.
  • Research shows acupuncture may reduce inflammation in the sinuses and improve breathing.
  • Acupressure is a gentle way to treat sinusitis at home by pressing certain points on the body.
  • Keeping nasal passages moist and avoiding allergens are good ways to prevent sinusitis.

Understanding Sinusitis

Person in a field of blooming flowers with various outfits and expressions.

Sinusitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the sinus lining. It can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, facial pain, and pressure. Causes of sinusitis can vary from environmental factors to infections and allergies, with both Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine offering different perspectives on its origins.

Understanding these causes is crucial to finding effective treatment options for relief.

Symptoms of Sinusitis

Sinus headaches can really knock us off our feet. Let’s talk about the signs that may point to sinusitis, so we know what to watch out for.

  • You might feel pressure or pain in your forehead, temples, cheeks, or around your eyes. This pain usually gets worse when you bend over or lie down.
  • Nasal congestion often comes with sinusitis. Your nose may feel stuffy, making it hard to breathe through it.
  • Runny nose is another common symptom. You might notice a lot of mucus coming out of your nose.
  • The face can swell up when you have sinusitis. This swelling can make your eyes and cheeks look puffy.
  • Losing your sense of smell or taste can happen too. Foods might seem less flavorful than usual.
  • Fatigue hits many people with sinusitis. You may feel very tired and worn out all the time.
  • Dizziness is a symptom some folks experience with sinus infections. It can throw off your balance and make standing up quickly a challenge.

Causes of Sinusitis: Western Medicine Perspective

We know you might be wondering what’s behind that nasty sinusitis. From the Western medicine view, a few culprits cause trouble. Common colds can block your sinuses and kick things off.

Allergies aren’t far behind; they inflame your nasal passages and seal the deal on discomfort. Let’s not forget about nasal polyps or deviated septums either—they’re like roadblocks in your breathing highway.

Imagine tiny hairs in your nose called cilia; they usually sweep out mucus but sometimes falter due to infections or smoke exposure. Other risk factors include asthma, immune system disorders, and even teeth problems that reach into sinus territory.

We see how these factors upset the balance in your sinuses leading to pain, pressure, and all those symptoms we want to avoid.

Causes of Sinusitis: Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, sinusitis often comes from an imbalance in our body’s energy. This includes issues with Qi, Yin and Yang, and disruptions caused by the six qis of nature.

Think about how a strong wind can make you feel cold or a damp day can bring stiffness. Our bodies react to these natural forces too. If they’re out of balance, we might face sinus problems.

Our emotions also have power over our health in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Anger, joy, worry – all seven emotions can twist and block our Qi if they’re not managed well. Just like stress can give us a headache; uncontrolled feelings may lead to sinus pain according to this ancient practice.

Sinus headaches signal that there is an issue we need to address deeper than just the sinuses themselves—it’s about restoring overall harmony within us.

Acupuncture for Sinusitis Treatment

Acupuncture for sinusitis

Acupuncture treatment for sinusitis involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate symptoms and promote healing. Research studies have shown promising results in using acupuncture as an effective alternative therapy for sinusitis.

To learn more about this treatment option, click here: Family Wellness Acupuncture.

The Process of Acupuncture Treatment for Sinusitis

We at Family Wellness Acupuncture know how tough sinusitis can be. Our expert, Ryoko Takayama, provides treatments right here in Irvine, CA that can help you breathe easier.

  • First, we have a chat about your health and how sinusitis is affecting you. We want to understand your symptoms and any other health issues.
  • Next, we get you comfortable in a quiet space. Relaxation is key for the treatment to work well.
  • Our licensed acupuncturist selects specific points on your body to target sinus pain. These might be on your face, arms, or even feet.
  • Sterile needles are gently inserted into these points. This shouldn’t hurt; most people feel just a light pressure or a tingling sensation.
  • The needles stay in place while you rest. This is usually about 20 to 30 minutes. It’s time to let go of stress and breathe deeply.
  • After the session, many people report feeling clearer in the head and nose area. Some even notice less pressure right away.

Research Studies on Acupuncture for Sinusitis

As we explore the efficacy of acupuncture for sinusitis, it’s essential to delve into its scientific backing. Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have shown that acupuncture can be effective in alleviating symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).

The studies, conducted in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, found that various forms of acupuncture such as manual acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation, moxibustion, and electroacupuncture have been utilized successfully.

Notably, these methods showed promise as both standalone therapies or when used alongside conventional treatments.

The findings underscored the need for further clinical trials to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture specifically for conditions like allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, and asthma.

These studies highlighted how acupuncture could potentially rebalance pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in allergic diseases leading to improvements in related conditions.

Complementary Therapies to Acupuncture in Sinusitis Treatment

Preparing Cupping Cup

Acupuncture can be combined with other therapies such as cupping, moxibustion, herbal medicine, tuina massage, qigong, and yoga therapy for more powerful results in treating sinusitis. Therapies that assist acupuncture to treat sinusitis include cupping, moxibustion, herbal medicine, tuina massage, qigong, and yoga therapy.

Acupuncture and Pressure Points for Sinusitus Relief

A person receives acupuncture for sinus relief in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

We help relieve sinusitis symptoms using acupuncture and acupressure. By targeting specific pressure points, we promote healthy Qi flow and provide relief.

  • Yingxiang (Large Intestine 20 – L.I. 20): Targeting this point can alleviate nasal congestion and help with rhinorrhea.
  • Zanzhu (Bladder 2 – BL 20): This point aids in reducing sinus pain and relieving eye pressure related to sinusitis.
  • Yintang (Ex-HN-3): Stimulating this point can help in calming the mind, reducing stress, and relieving sinus headaches.
  • Quanliao (Small intestine 18 – Si18): This point contributes to opening nasal passages and reducing inflammation associated with sinusitis.

Prevention and Home Remedies for Sinusitis

To prevent sinusitis, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid irritants. Here are some home remedies that can help ease symptoms and prevent recurrence:

  • Keep nasal passages moist by using a saline nasal spray or humidifier.
  • Avoid known allergens and irritants such as dust, pollen, and cigarette smoke.
  • Practice good hygiene by washing hands frequently and avoiding close contact with sick individuals.
  • Stay hydrated by consuming plenty of water to help thin mucus and promote drainage.
  • Apply warm compresses to the face to alleviate discomfort and reduce congestion.

Acupressure for Sinusitis

Acupressure for sinusitis involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to alleviate symptoms and promote healing. This gentle, non-invasive technique can help improve energy flow and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.

For more information about acupressure for sinus relief, visit Family Wellness Acupuncture in Irvine CA with Ryoko Takayama or click here:

Benefits of Acupressure for Sinus Infections

Acupressure for sinus infections can help relieve sinus pain, improve energy flow and unblock sinuses, improve sinus drainage, and reduce inflammation. It can stimulate drainage of the sinuses, relieve congestion, reduce sinus pressure, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, and help with various types of pain, indigestion, sleep disturbance, and stress.

How Acupressure Improves Energy Flow and Accelerates Healing

Acupressure boosts energy flow and accelerates healing by stimulating sinus drainage, relieving congestion, and promoting healthy Qi. It also strengthens the immune system and clears dampness and phlegm to improve energy flow.

Additionally, acupressure enhances blood circulation in the body, aiding in the overall healing process. These benefits make it a valuable complementary therapy for sinusitis treatment.

Acupressure Points for Sinus Infections

We’ll share the acupressure points to relieve sinus infections. These points can release stuck Qi and restore natural balance.

YINGXIANG – Large Intestine 20 – L.I. 20

  • Located on each side of the nose
  • Press firmly to alleviate sinus congestion

ZANZHU – Bladder 2 – BL 20

  • Found at the inner end of the eyebrows
  • Applying gentle pressure here helps ease sinus pressure


  • Positioned between the eyebrows, at the top of the nose bridge
  • Pressing lightly can aid in relieving sinus headaches

QUANLIAO – Small intestine 18 – Si18

  • Located on the cheekbone, directly below the outer corner of the eye
  • Apply pressure here for sinus pain relief

      Case Study: Acupuncture Treatment for Persistent Allergic Rhinitis Complicated by Rhinosinusitis and Asthma

      In this case study, we will delve into a real-life example of how acupuncture was used to effectively treat persistent allergic rhinitis complicated by rhinosinusitis and asthma. This insightful case study will provide valuable insights into the successful application of acupuncture in treating complex sinus-related conditions.

      Read on to learn more about this fascinating case study and discover the potential benefits of acupuncture for sinusitis treatment.

      Case History

      The patient, a 48-year-old male suffering from persistent allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and asthma, was diagnosed with Qi and blood stagnation in the nasal area along with lung deficiency.

      Treatment involved acupuncture sessions twice a week for 5 weeks. After the treatment, the patient’s Total Serum IgE levels decreased significantly from 183.8?IU?ml?1 to 112.9?IU?mml?1 by the end of follow-up period.

      Multiple sessions of acupuncture with electrical stimulation and infrared radiation therapy were administered over this period to address these conditions successfully. The forced expiratory volume in 1 second improved from an initial level of 3.01 l to reach an impressive level of 3.50 l after the treatment series was completed.

      Treatment Method

      Our treatment method involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on your body. These acupuncture points are carefully selected to target and alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis, promoting relief and overall well-being.

      Numerous studies have shown significant improvements in allergic rhinitis and related conditions through acupuncture, underlining its effectiveness as a treatment option.

      Research has cited the positive impact of acupuncture on asthma symptoms linked with allergic rhinitis, showcasing how this approach can induce substantial improvements in your respiratory health.


      After undergoing acupuncture treatment for persistent allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and asthma, the patient experienced significant improvements in their quality of life.

      The Mini-Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality-of-Life Questionnaire score decreased, and there was a noticeable reduction in the Total Nasal Symptom Score. Moreover, forced expiratory volume in 1 second showed improvement after acupuncture treatment, leading to discontinuation of the use of inhaled corticosteroids.

      These outcomes highlight the potential effectiveness of acupuncture in alleviating symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis and asthma.

      Acupressure Points for Sinus Relief

      Acupressure points can be effective for relieving sinus discomfort. These specific points on the body can help alleviate symptoms and promote better sinus health. For more details on the acupressure points for sinus relief, visit

      YINGXIANG – Large Intestine 20 – L.I. 20

      YINGXIANG – Large Intestine 20 (L.I. 20) is an essential acupressure point known for providing sinus relief in acupuncture treatment for sinusitis. Acupuncture at this specific point may effectively reduce inflammation in the nasal sinus mucosa, offering potential relief from the discomfort associated with sinusitis.

      Moreover, stimulating YINGXIANG – Large Intestine 20 (L.I. 20) through acupuncture may exert powerful anti-inflammatory effects by regulating proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and neuropeptides.

      Understanding the significance of YINGXIANG – Large Intestine 20 in treating sinusitis provides valuable insights into how specific acupressure points can target and alleviate symptoms effectively, showing promising prospects for those seeking alternative approaches to managing sinus issues or exploring complementary therapies to conventional treatments like medication or surgery.

      ZANZHU – Bladder 2 – BL 20

      We utilize ZANZHU – Bladder 2 – BL 20 to address sinusitis, aiding in the balancing of Qi and providing relief for sinus headaches. It’s an acupuncture point specifically targeted to ease symptoms associated with this condition.

      This particular approach helps enhance vitality energy flow through the body and can be effective in managing persistent allergic rhinitis complicated by rhinosinusitis and asthma.

      By itself or as part of a broader treatment protocol, ZANZHU – Bladder 2 – BL 20 presents an opportunity to alleviate discomfort and improve overall well-being.

      YINTANG – Ex-HN-3

      YINTANG (Ex-HN-3) is a crucial acupressure point for relieving sinusitis symptoms in traditional Chinese medicine. Stimulating this point through acupressure can effectively reduce sinus pressure and congestion, providing much-needed relief.

      YINTANG plays a vital role in clearing the sinuses, making it an essential consideration when seeking acupuncture treatment for sinusitis and related conditions.

      Plus, research has shown that YINTANG, along with other key acupressure points, can significantly contribute to addressing sinusitis symptoms and improving overall well-being.

      QUANLIAO – Small intestine 18 – Si18

      Transitioning from discussing the acupressure point YINTANG, we move on to exploring QUANLIAO – Small Intestine 18 (Si18). This acupuncture point is frequently utilized in treating chronic rhinosinusitis.

      Research has indicated that acupuncture at Si18 offers anti-inflammatory effects, notably decreasing inflammation in the nasal sinus mucosa. Studies have also shown that treatment frequency for Si18 acupuncture may vary, with sessions typically lasting around 25 minutes and involving specific acupuncture needles.

      Acupuncture at Si18 has been associated with a higher total effective rate and lower visual analogue scale for chronic rhinosinusitis when compared to conventional treatment alone.

      Acupuncture methods such as manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and moxibustion are commonly employed at Si18 for the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis along with other related points.

      Managing Sinusitis: Additional Tips

      We recommend incorporating steam therapy into your daily routine to help alleviate sinus congestion and promote drainage. Here are some additional tips you can consider for managing sinusitis:

      1. Use a saline nasal rinse or spray to keep nasal passages clear.
      2. Stay well – hydrated to help thin mucus and ease congestion.
      3. Apply warm compresses to your face for soothing relief.
      4. Incorporate immune – boosting foods into your diet, such as garlic, ginger, and citrus fruits.
      5. Practice regular exercise to promote overall health and well-being.


      Don’t wait to begin your journey toward better health today! Choosing us means we will help you find the healthy results you want. Book your first appointment with us right now by phone at (949) 836-2857 or online at

      Have a question? Connect with us here:


      What exactly is acupuncture for sinusitis?

      Acupuncture for sinusitis targets specific points on the body to relieve symptoms like nasal discharge and bloating. This traditional Chinese medicine practice taps into your vital energy paths.

      Are there special acupuncture points for treating my sinus problems?

      Yes, experienced practitioners in Orange County and beyond can locate acupuncture points known to help with sinus issues—getting right at the cause of that annoying stuffiness.

      How does science back up using acupuncture for my sinuses?

      Clinical trials, including randomized controlled ones, provide quality evidence showing how patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis find relief through this ancient method.

      Can I use other treatments along with acupuncture for better results?

      Certainly! Acupuncture often works as an adjunct treatment alongside medical interventions or even integrative medicines like traditional Chinese herbs—blending the best of both worlds!

      Will getting acupuncture hurt or make me feel uncomfortable?

      Most people describe a sense of ‘de-qi’ rather than pain—a feeling where your body’s energy is activated by the needles without causing real discomfort.

      I have allergies; can acupuncture help with that too?

      Absolutely! Not just for clearing out blocked airways, it’s known to tame allergic reactions, helping you breathe easier all year round—say goodbye to irritating sneezes and sniffles!


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