Understanding Acupuncture Migraine Points: A Comprehensive Guide For 2024

  • Ryoko Takayama
  • April 21, 2024
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  • Understanding Acupuncture Migraine Points: A Comprehensive Guide For 2024

Acupuncture Migraine Points: Migraines can feel like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave, a sentiment I understand all too well. Studies are increasingly showing that acupuncture stands as a beacon of hope for those of us battling frequent migraines, highlighting its effectiveness and safety.

In this guide, we’ll explore how understanding and utilizing acupuncture points can offer relief from migraine pain—a simple yet profound remedy waiting at our fingertips. Let’s embark on this journey together, finding solace and solutions in each step we take.

Key Takeaways

  • Acupuncture uses tiny needles to touch special spots on the body called meridians, which helps with migraines by making energy flow better.
  • Key points like LU-7 and LI-4 can reduce migraine pain when they are gently touched with acupuncture needles. This is proven safe and effective.
  • Studies show that acupuncture works better than some regular headache medicines. It reduces how often and how bad headaches are without bad side effects.
  • For neck and shoulder pain related to migraines, pressing points like GB-21 can help. This eases the tension that causes headaches.
  • If you have migraine symptoms like nausea or stomach pain, touching points such as SP – 6 may provide relief. Acupuncture is a good choice for managing chronic migraine pain safely.

Understanding Acupuncture

Acupuncture Session On Back

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has helped many with pain, fertility issues, and wellness. It uses tiny needles to touch special spots on the body. These spots are on paths called meridians.

Think of them like energy highways inside us. The idea is that when our energy flows well, we feel better.

I’ve seen how acupuncture can change lives. People often come feeling lost after trying many treatments without success. Through gentle needle touches at just the right places, their bodies start to heal.

They find relief from migraines, less stress, and even joy in becoming parents when fertility was a challenge before. This journey isn’t just about stopping pain; it’s about bringing balance and health back into lives—making each day brighter and full of hope.

The Role of Acupuncture in Migraine Treatment

Calming Facial Acupuncture Technique

Acupuncture plays a key role in migraine treatment. It’s seen as a first-line option, not just an alternative. This method has proven more effective than some Western medicines and fake acupuncture at cutting down both the number of headache days and the need for painkillers.

People find relief through this traditional Chinese medicine because it goes beyond just treating symptoms. It looks at health as a whole, aiming to prevent migraines from starting.

This approach offers a noninvasive way to manage pain and improve life quality without heavy reliance on medications. Studies back its success, showing better long-term results in reducing migraine frequency and intensity.

Taking all these into account, let’s look closer at exactly how acupuncture provides relief for those suffering from migraines.

How Acupuncture Works for Migraine Relief

I’ve found that acupuncture can be a game-changer for those dealing with migraines. It’s fascinating how this traditional therapy taps into the body’s natural healing processes. Essentially, it stimulates specific points on the body to balance energy flow.

This action can reduce inflammation, ease tension in muscles, and improve blood flow — all of which play roles in migraine relief.

Many of my patients have shared their stories of transformation. After trying various treatments with little success, they turn to acupuncture as a complementary option. And the results speak volumes.

Studies back up these experiences too, showing that acupuncture often outperforms standard medication and even Chinese herbal remedies in managing migraines with fewer side effects.

It boils down to encouraging the body to fix itself from within, offering a sense of empowerment and well-being that goes beyond just headache relief.

Acupuncture Points for Migraine Relief

Acupuncture uses specific points on the body to manage migraine pain. These points help reduce headache intensity and frequency.

Acupoint 7: LU-7

LU-7 is a powerful acupuncture point for migraines. It has been proven effective and safe in providing relief from migraine headaches. In fact, it’s recommended as the first treatment option for migraines due to its effectiveness and ability to prevent migraines from occurring.

Research supports that LU-7 acupuncture is equally effective in relieving migraines as prophylactic drug therapy. This makes it a valuable tool in managing chronic pain and preventing future migraine episodes.

Acupuncture at LU-7 provides an alternative approach to managing migraine symptoms without the side effects of medications, offering hope to those seeking natural remedies for their condition.

Acupoint 1: LI-4

LI-4 is a well-studied acupuncture point for migraines. It has shown effective results in reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches compared to standard treatments. Moreover, it’s a widely used complementary therapy for migraine worldwide.

Moving on to the next topic.

Acupoint 26: (nostril)

Moving from LI-4 to the nostril acupoint, I want to highlight its significance in acupuncture therapy. The nostril acupoint has been used for centuries in Asia to alleviate migraines and headaches.

This demonstrates the rich history of traditional Chinese medicine and its effectiveness in treating such conditions. When applying acupuncture at this point, it’s important for patients to understand that they are benefiting from thousands of years of holistic healing practices.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to acknowledge that these ancient methods have stood the test of time and continue to offer natural relief for modern-day issues like migraines. This reinforces the idea that alternative medicine can be a powerful tool in pain management and overall wellness.

Acupoint 12: LU-9

Acupoint 12, LU-9, located on the wrist crease near the base of the thumb, is used in acupuncture for migraine relief. Its stimulation can help in reducing headaches by promoting a balanced flow of energy throughout the body.

This point has been proven effective in treating migraines and is widely utilized due to its positive results and safety. Acupuncture treatment focuses on holistic healing tailored to individual needs, providing an alternative therapy that complements traditional medicine’s approach.

Moving forward to understanding how shoulder and neck pressure points contribute to migraine relief.

“Third Eye” Pressure Point

The “Third Eye” pressure point, also known as Yintang, is found between the eyebrows. It’s believed to help calm the mind and ease stress. Applying gentle pressure to this point may offer relief from migraines and promote relaxation.

Studies have shown that acupressure on this point can help alleviate migraine symptoms.

Moving on to Migraine Relief Pressure Points for Shoulders and Neck.

Migraine Relief Pressure Points for Shoulders and Neck

Looking for relief from migraine pain in the shoulders and neck? Acupuncture targets specific pressure points to ease tension and promote relaxation, offering a holistic approach to managing your symptoms.

By understanding these pressure points, you can take steps toward finding relief that works for you.

Acupoint GB-21

Acupoint GB-21, located at the top of the shoulder, is effective in relieving chronic daily headaches. Regular pressure point therapy on this area can help raise the pain threshold and alleviate headache pain.

When focusing on acupressure for migraine relief, it’s essential to understand how to locate and stimulate specific points like GB-21 accurately. This comprehensive guide offers detailed instructions for self-massage techniques that specifically target acupressure points such as Acupoint GB-21, providing individuals with a practical approach to managing their migraine symptoms using these pressure points.

This information provides adults seeking relief from migraines with clear and supportive acupuncture guidance that emphasizes simple language and practical application, making it accessible for individuals looking for natural solutions to manage their chronic headache symptoms.

Acupoint 29: SJ-17

Acupoint 29: SJ-17, known as the Shoulder Well, helps relieve neck and shoulder pain associated with migraines. It’s located at the back of the earlobe in a small depression. Stimulating this point can ease tension and discomfort in the neck and shoulders, which are common areas of migraine-related pain.

Keep acupuncture for migraines simple yet effective – gently stimulating these points can help provide relief from migraine symptoms like neck pain and muscle tension.

Acupoint GB-20

Transitioning to our next acupuncture point, Acupoint GB-20, located at the base of the skull in the hollow between the two large vertical neck muscles. This point is commonly used for relieving neck pain, migraines, and headaches.

It’s also known as Feng Chi and is considered one of the primary points for providing relief from these discomforts. Using this acupressure point in combination with other relevant points can significantly alleviate shoulder and neck tension associated with migraines and promote overall well-being.

Acupuncture on GB-20 may help reduce stiffness in the neck area while also offering headache relief by addressing muscle tension in shoulders related to migraines. These treatments aim to provide a holistic healing approach targeting various aspects of migraine symptoms relating to shoulder and neck pain.

Acupressure for Migraine Symptoms: Nausea, Constipation, and Stomach Pain

Relieve migraine symptoms like nausea, constipation, and stomach pain through acupressure. Access the complete guide for effective migraine relief.

Acupoint 5: SP-6

Acupoint 5, also known as SP-6, helps relieve migraine symptoms like nausea, constipation, and stomach pain. Acupuncture at this point has been proven effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches.

Studies show that SP-6 acupuncture is more effective than Western medicine and Chinese herbal medicine in treating migraines. It’s a safe and reliable option to consider for migraine relief.

Moving on to Migraine Relief Pressure Points.

Acupoint 6: St-36

Moving on from discussing the pressure point SP-6 for migraine relief, let’s delve into another vital acupoint – St-36. This specific acupoint is associated with alleviating symptoms like nausea, constipation, and stomach pain which are commonly experienced during migraines.

It plays a key role in providing relief from these discomforts. The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating migraines has been highlighted through research findings that demonstrate its superiority over western medicine and sham acupuncture methods.

Consequently, it emerges as a safer and more effective alternative for addressing migraine symptoms compared to traditional medication or counterfeit acupuncture treatments.

St-36 – an essential acupoint for addressing nausea, constipation, and stomach pain during migraines – underscores the efficacy of acupuncture in managing various aspects of this condition.

Acupoint 1: LI-4 (same as No. 2 above)

Moving on to another essential acupuncture point for migraine relief, Acupoint 1: LI-4 (same as No. 2 above), also known as Large Intestine 4 or Hegu in Chinese, is a crucial pressure point.

It’s located between the thumb and index finger. Stimulation of this acupoint has been linked to the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms and can help relieve migraines as well as nausea, constipation, and stomach pain associated with migraines.

This acupoint can be effectively stimulated through both acupuncture and acupressure techniques, offering a holistic approach to migraine relief without side effects.

Studies have shown that stimulating LI-4 specifically affects certain brain regions involved in processing pain signals while promoting relaxation throughout the body. The evidence supports its effectiveness not only for relieving acute migraine attacks but also for preventing future episodes when used regularly over time.

The Effectiveness and Safety of Acupuncture for Migraine

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for migraines. Research shows that it can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches better than other treatments. Studies have found acupuncture to be particularly beneficial in managing chronic migraine pain.

Overall, it offers a holistic approach to pain management with minimal side effects, making it a promising option for individuals seeking alternative therapies for migraine relief.

Moreover, acupuncture’s high-quality evidence in treating migraines demonstrates its potential as a complementary therapy alongside traditional medical approaches. It offers hope and relief to those suffering from chronic pain, including tension headaches, by providing personalized and holistic care tailored towards individual needs.

Latest Research Findings on Acupuncture for Migraine

Recent research has consistently shown that acupuncture is effective in reducing the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraine headaches. Studies have demonstrated that acupuncture has a higher efficacy rate in relieving migraines compared to standard medication.

Additionally, it has been found that acupuncture significantly reduces the number of headache days experienced by individuals with chronic migraines. These findings underline the potential of acupuncture as a valuable non-pharmacological treatment option for managing migraines.

Acupuncture also proves to be safer than certain medications commonly used for migraine treatment. Research indicates that adverse events associated with acupuncture are notably fewer than those linked to traditional medication-based approaches.

Furthermore, recent studies have highlighted how incorporating holistic therapy like acupuncture can play an essential role in pain management and complement existing medical treatments for migraines.

In conclusion, these latest research findings emphasize the compelling evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety of using acupuncture as part of a comprehensive approach to addressing migraine symptoms while underscoring its significance within integrative medicine.

Considerations Before Trying Acupuncture for Migraine

As you consider acupuncture for migraine, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against any uncertainties. The safety and effectiveness of acupuncture can vary among individuals, and it may not work for everyone.

However, considering its indication as a safe therapy with fewer adverse events than medication, the prospect is promising. Also, while there are limitations to the quality of conclusions from systematic reviews on acupuncture for migraines, overviews of these reviews can provide more high-quality evidence for clinical work.

It’s crucial to remember that seeking personalized care tailored towards your specific needs underpins our approach. Acupuncture presents a holistic and adaptable approach to migraine treatment.

While being aware of potential complexities in navigating treatment options in the ever-evolving realm of healthcare is advisable; embracing this ancient yet robust practice might just unlock the secrets to effective migraine relief.

Comprehensive Guide to Acupuncture for Chronic Migraines: What You Need to Know

Acupuncture offers effective relief for chronic migraines. Recent studies show it reduces headache frequency and intensity more than traditional medicine. It’s a preferred first-line treatment, with fewer side effects than drugs and longer-lasting results.

Acupuncture points are also specified, empowering individuals to relieve migraines through targeted self-massage. This comprehensive guide will help you find holistic relief from chronic migraines using the proven effectiveness of acupuncture without any adverse effects.


In conclusion, understanding acupuncture points for migraine relief is essential. Acupuncture has demonstrable effectiveness in treating migraines and offers a safe alternative to traditional Western medicine.

The pressure points for migraine relief, when targeted with acupuncture, provide holistic healing and pain management. With the adaptability of treatment to individual needs, acupuncture emerges as a crucial tool in managing chronic migraines, stress headaches, and other related symptoms.

Ultimately, embracing this comprehensive guide to acupuncture for migraines can lead individuals into wellness through personalized, evidence-based care.

Don’t wait to begin your journey toward better health today! Choosing us means we will help you find the healthy results you want. Book your first appointment with us right now by phone at (949) 836-2857 or online at fwaacupuncture.com  
Have a question? Connect with us here: contact@familywellnessacupuncture.com


1. What are acupuncture migraine points?

Acupuncture migraine points are specific areas on the body where needles can be inserted to potentially alleviate migraine symptoms.

2. How does acupuncture help with migraines?

Acupuncture may help with migraines by stimulating the nervous system, releasing natural painkillers, and reducing inflammation.

3. Is acupuncture safe for treating migraines?

Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified practitioner using sterile needles.

4. Are there any side effects of acupuncture for migraines?

Potential side effects of acupuncture for migraines are rare but may include soreness, bruising, or slight bleeding at needle insertion sites.

5. How many sessions of acupuncture are needed to see results for migraines?

The number of acupuncture sessions needed to see results for migraines can vary depending on individual response and the severity of symptoms.


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